We always love to hear what students accomplish after they graduate from Cluster Tutoring, so we’re happy to report on the success of Jessica Thompson.
Tutor David Holmes started working with Jessica when she was in 7th grade. David’s wife, Suzanne Holmes, joined Cluster when Jessica was a sophomore in high school, and the couple alternated weeks with Jessica. She graduated high school and finished Cluster in May 2013.
Jessica enrolled at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, majoring in education. She graduated in December 2017 and took part in the commencement ceremony in May 2018.
Jessica now teaches 2nd grade at Harvard Park Elementary School in Springfield, Illinois, where she’ll continue next fall. Both Suzanne and David have kept in touch and hope to catch up with Jessica this summer.
Suzanne still tutors, having started with a new student when she was in 1st grade who will enter 5th grade in the fall.