Learning Edge Tutoring depends upon the generous donations of individuals, institutions, and private organizations. Your donation will support program operations, enabling us to reach more students and expand services in the years ahead. Online donations can be made via PayPal using the Donate button below. If you are making a donation in honor or in honor or memory of a person, please indicate the individual's name and the name and an address for us to send a thank you acknowledgement to their family. Put the information in the "Add A Note" section on the payment form.
Checks can be mailed to:
Learning Edge Tutoring
535 N. Parkside Ave.
c/o The Field School
Chicago, IL 60644.
Learning Edge Tutoring is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation EIN 36-3835179; donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Donate to the John Alec Kenealy Memorial Fund
An endowed fund established in memory of a former tutor will provide support for current and future students of Learning Edge Tutoring. The John Alec Kenealy Memorial Fund honors the memory of John Kenealy, who volunteered for the program as a high school student. He enlisted in the U.S. Army after studying business at Elmhurst College. He was a specialist and vehicle commander in the Attack Company of the 4th Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, with whom he was deployed to Afghanistan. John died in August 2018.
John's parents, Dave and Janet Kenealy are long-time tutors, and his sister, Anne Kenealy, tutored while in college.
The John Kenealy Memorial Fund will provide support for educational enrichment beyond the scope of the tutoring program itself, such as paying for a educational trip, a special math program, or academic supplies for a class.
The fund is managed through the Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation. To donate online, access this link. Those wishing to donate by mail can make checks payable to Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation, with “Kenealy Memorial Fund” in the memo line. Checks can be mailed to:
Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation
1049 Lake St., Suite 204
Oak Park, IL 60301