Our Mission
To contribute to the lives of Chicago-area students through free one-to-one tutoring and academic enrichment opportunities enhanced by caring, mentoring relationships.
100% of Learning Edge students who remain in the program through 12th grade graduate from high school.
Learning Edge consistently maintains an 80% (or above) retention rate of its students
On average, students and tutors remain with Learning Edge for at least 4 years.

Students & Families
A caring, committed volunteer can make a lasting difference in the life of a child, regardless of the child's current level of academic ability. Learning Edge accepts new students in grades K-8, with priority enrollment going to students in K-3. Students may remain in the program through grade 12.

You don’t need special training to be a tutor - just patience, a desire to help, and 90 minutes one night a week during the school year. The atmosphere is relaxed and supportive, and tutors find they get as much out of the program as their students.