Meet Alexis and Lloyd, a tutoring duo who should have their own podcast. They get the work done–Alexis is a straight-A student and Lloyd is a CPS teacher who spoke to both the rules and the art of teaching and supporting student success–but they also spend time bantering and laughing. In this relationship, there is respect and trust and growth and fun. There is nothing we could write about them that would embody their special relationship more than excerpts from our interview, and we hope you’ll enjoy this glimpse as much as we did:
Interviewer: How long have you worked together?
Lloyd: A year.
Alexis: Since I was in 7th grade.
Interviewer: What grade are you in now?
Alexis: 8th.
Lloyd: Check my math.
Interviewer: Can you tell me a little bit about your working relationship?
Alexis, looking to Lloyd: The truth!
Lloyd: There’s never a dull moment. She brings a lot of…
Alexis: Potential?
Lloyd: Yes, potential. And she brings out the best in me.
Lloyd: How can I be a better tutor for you?
Interviewer: Yes, how can he be better?
Alexis: Fewer Dad jokes. (pauses, looks thoughtfully to interviewer) He doesn’t need to improve anything.
Alexis: I have good news!
Lloyd: Grades have gone up?
Alexis: I have straight As! No, I have my list of high schools.
Lloyd: I guess I’ll be going to her graduation! (wipes fake tear)
We’re wishing the quick-witted Alexis good luck as she chooses her high school and finishes 8th grade, and we’re looking forward to enjoying how Lloyd’s dad jokes evolve in the next four years.